Control Solutions Permethrin 10% is a long lasting livestock and premise spray that provides knockdown, broad spectrum insecticide effectiveness, and excellent residual activity for up to 28 days. This also a great product to be used as a flea dip for dogs.
This a great product to broadcast spray indoors on carpet and upholstered furniture to help control flea or tick infestations. When treating for fleas I highly recommend that you also use a IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) with this product for the best results.
Mixing Ratios:
For initial clean up of severe insect infestation, dilute at the rare of 1 part concentrate in 19 parts water. For normal infestations, dilute 1 part concentrate in 100 parts water.
HOME LAWNS: Ants, Armyworms, Brown Dog Ticks, Chinch Bugs, Crickets, Cutworms, Fleas, Grasshoppers, Japanese Beetle Grubs, Mole Crickets, Sod Webworms, Ticks, Leafhoppers.
PEST ON FARM PREMISES: Horseflies, Stable flies, Lesser Houseflies, and other manure breeding Flies, Fleas, Gnats, Lice, Mites, Ticks, aids in control of Cockroaches, Mosquitoes and Spiders.
PESTS ON DOG PREMISES: Fleas, Flies, Ticks, Lice and Mange Mites.
PESTS ON LARGE ANIMALS: Face flies, Horn flies, Stable flies, Mosquitoes, Lice, Mites, Ticks.
PESTS ON SWINE AND POULTRY: Blowflies, Flies, Mange Mites, Mosquitoes, Hog Lice, Fleas, Poultry Mites, Northern Fowl Mites & Lice, Ticks.
PESTS ON DOGS: (not puppies less than twelve weeks) Fleas, Ticks, Lice and Mange.
For use on cattle, lactating dairy cattle, horses, swine, poultry and pets. Controls Horn flies, face flies, lice, ticks, and deer ticks (Lyme disease carrying.) Long lasting, up to 28 days of residual activity. One pint makes up to 100 gallons of cattle spray. One pint makes up to 25 gallons of dog dip. See label for complete directions for use.
Contains: 10% Permethrin
See full label in "Download" tab.