Pyranha Odaway in the 32oz is a ready to use, liquid odor absorber that eliminates a broad spectrum of household and barn-borne odors. Odaway is specially effective when dispensed by way of automatic misting system because it encapsulates and neutralizes odors instead of just masking them, leaving the premises smelling fresh and clean. Can be used on sports gear.
It is a biodegradable non-toxic formulation that offers complete neutralization of unpleasant odors by modifying odors at the source, without heavy perfuming. Odaway® absorbs and destroys odor on contact, while leaving the air fresh and clean. Odaway® odor absorber controls a wide range of odors and is ideal for use in barns and livestock areas.
- Water soluble odor absorber
- Broad spectrum multi-purpose deodorant
- Use in the SprayMaster® System or apply direct to the source of unwanted odor
Neutralizes Odors From:
- Pets
- Livestock
- Skunk
- Garbage/Compost
- Urine
- Organic Decay
- Smoke
- Sewage
- Chemicals
- Cooking
- Mustiness
- Sports Equipement
- Saddle pads
- Protective Gear for Sports, Law Enforcement and other gear not easily washed
Directions for Use:
Lightly spray carpet, furniture, drapes, A/C filters, clothing, equipment.
KENNELS, CAGES, STALLS, BEDDING, TRAILERS, BARNS, HOME, AUTO: Mist in the air or directly spray on surfaces. Repeat as needed. Do not over- spray to saturation.
LAUNDRY: Add 1–2 oz. to the final rinse.
CLEANING: Mix 2–4 oz.per gallon of water. SKUNKED PET: Fully rinse pet, spray the animal with ODAWAY® paying extra attention to the skunked area and work thoroughly into the coat. Completely rinse and spot treat if needed. Use your favorite shampoo as directed, then dry.