(Blue Left)
Blue color-coded Left block adds convenience to your blocking routine, making
it easier to find the Left block. Color-coded hoof blocks make it easier to
find the Left one. They feature a measuring line, eliminating the need for a
separate mixing cup and improving blocking efficiency. The added thickness and
angled toe design helps reduce stubbing of the cow’s toe or catching of the
block. Color coded left blocks add convenience to your blocking routine, making
it easier to find the Left block. The added measuring line provides efficiency
and convenience to the use of liquid and powder adhesives. This line eliminates
the need to use a separate mixing cup, saving you both time and money.
added thickness to each of the three blocks helps ensure the cow will not stub
the injured claw on any potential farm obstacles throughout the healing
process. The angled toe design helps eliminate the block catching on potential
farm obstacles that would peel the block away from the hoof prematurely. The
coarse points of contact allow for advanced adhesion.
Ningbo Dunhuang Imp & Exp Co Ltd
the ultimate fit and support to prevent damage.
the healing process of treated cows.
coarse points of contact allow for advanced adhesion.
points of contact allow advanced adhesion capabilities.
line enhances the efficiency and convenience in using liquid and powder
UltraBlock offers an optimal fit and support to prevent tendon damage and
enhance the healing process for treated cows.