Tech Perfect Udder Colostrum Kits are your colostrum management solution. When
used with Dairy Tech’s pasteurizers, you have the tools for safe handling of
colostrum, from harvest to feeding, without the risk of contamination. Kit includes
4 liter bags along with a nipple and two feeding tubes. Using Perfect Udder
products provides excellent biosecurity to ensure safe handling of newborn
calves’ first food. Allows you to properly process and store colostrum with
very little cleanup. Feed colostrum directly from Perfect Udder Bags by
attaching Perfect Udder Nipple or esophageal feeder—aids in minimizing disease
and bacteria transfer. During pasteurization, colostrum bags allow rapid
cooling and even heating to prevent the growth of bacteria. When it is time to
feed to the calf, it thaws and heats 4-times faster for quick administration of
colostrum to the calf.