MAI Stainless Steel 3/8” Probe
with Halkey Roberts Clamp and Cap is used with 3-liter 4 liter bottle screw-on standard calf
bottles for tube feeding calves. Includes threaded vented cap, flexible tube,
Halkey clamp and rigid stainless steel probe. Turns calf bottles into an
esophageal feeder to ensure your calf gets all the colostrum or electrolytes it
needs. Probe is barbed to securely hold tubing. Single piece vented cap fits
standard milk feeding container with threaded mouth. Features Halkey-Roberts
clamp with 6 heavy-duty ratchets to regulate flow rate.
Fill with desired fluid for administration. Pass esophageal tube
into the mouth and down the throat angling for the left back corner of the
mouth for proper placement down the esophagus. Once the tube is in place,
release the clamp and allow fluid to flow while holding the bottle above the
animal’s head. Once fluid has run in, clamp the tube off while slowly and
gently remove from the calf’s throat to avoid injury.